From the date of shipment, you have four weeks to evaluate your purchase. Provided an item has not been damaged, used or worn and no labels have been removed, you may return it in its original packaging for a full refund, or exchange at your discretion. If you wish to cancel your contract and receive a refund, the goods must be returned to arrive with us within 30 days of their dispatch.
Please note that we will refund our original shipping charges or the costs of your return (e.g. postage or re-import duties) only if the goods are in some way faulty. For other returns you will be responsible for all return costs, including any re-importation duties or other taxes.
We can only refund to the same credit card used for purchase; if this has expired, refunds may be by bank transfer or cheque in GBP only.
please make sure that all postal and delivery address’s are correct as we can not be held liable for any mistakes on postal and delivery address’s we receive at your time of purchase
And note that all transactions are in UK Pounds Sterling. (Other currencies optionally displayed whilst shopping are approximate and advisory only.) Refunds will be as originally charged in UK pounds. But currency rates may have gone up or down in the meantime. So the sum refunded to your card in a foreign currency may be greater or lesser than that originally deducted, in line with exchange rate movements since. This is entirely beyond our control